Differences between revisions 19 and 32 (spanning 13 versions)
Revision 19 as of 2007-07-04 17:09:58
Size: 5232
Editor: keturn
Comment: OpenID specs live at .net, not .org
Revision 32 as of 2008-04-14 08:32:24
Size: 6561
Editor: barry
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Mailman's source code is published in publically available revision control systems. You can use this to gain access to the very latest development trees. We are currently in the process of moving from [[http://subversion.tigris.org/|Subversion]] on [[http://sf.net|SourceForge]] to the [[http://www.bazaar-vcs.org|Bazaar]] distributed revision control system, with branches hosted on [[http://launchpad.net|Launchpad]]. Flag day is June 22, 2007, after which the Subversion repository will be made read-only (we'll keep it for posterity). Hosting the source code on Bazaar will provide both the core developers and unofficial third party extensions much more freedom to hack on Mailman. Mailman's source code is published in a publicly available revision control system called [[http://www.bazaar-vcs.org|Bazaar]] available through the code hosting and open source development service called [[http://launchpad.net|Launchpad]]. On June 22, 2007, we switched from using Subversion on SourceForge to the new repository, and while the old Subversion repository will still be available read-only, no new updates will be committed to it. Hosting the source code on Bazaar provides both the core developers and unofficial third party extensions much more freedom to hack on Mailman.
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 * [[../ModernArchiving|Modern Archiving]]
 * [[../Stable URLs|Stable URLs]]
 * [[../REST Interface|REST Interface]]
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Mailman is a [[http://www.gnu.org|GNU]] project with the majority of the copyrights being held by the [[http://www.fsf.org|Free Software Foundation]]. We therefore request that developers who contribute code, assign their copyrights in their Mailman contribution to the FSF. To do this, you first need to submit a [[../GNU copyright assignment request form|GNU copyright assignment request form]] containing some basic information, and then fill out the form that the FSF sends you.  Please [[mailto:mailman-cabal@python.org|let us know]]after you've sent the second form so that we can track your contribution. The FSF often doesn't tell us in a timely manner when such forms have been received. Mailman is a [[http://www.gnu.org|GNU]] project with the majority of the copyrights being held by the [[http://www.fsf.org|Free Software Foundation]]. We therefore request that developers who contribute code, assign their copyrights in their Mailman contribution to the FSF. To do this, you first need to submit a [[../GNU copyright assignment request form|GNU copyright assignment request form]] containing some basic information, and then fill out the form that the FSF sends you. Please [[mailto:mailman-cabal@python.org|let us know]]after you've sent the second form so that we can track your contribution. The FSF often doesn't tell us in a timely manner when such forms have been received.
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Here are some useful references: Here are some useful RFCs, references and drafts:
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RFCs and drafts:  * [[http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3834.html|RFC 3834 - Recommendations for Automatic Responses to Electronic Mail]]
 * [[http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5064|RFC 5064 - The Archived-At Message Header Field]] '''draft'''
 * [[http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2033.html|RFC 2033 - Local Mail Transfer Protocol]]
 * [[http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4871.txt?number=4871|RFC 4871]][[http://www.dkim.org|DomainKey Identified Mail (DKIM)]]
 * [[http://www.openid.net|OpenID]]
 * [[http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1893.html|RFC 1893 - Enhanced Mail System Status Codes]]
 * [[http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2034.html|RFC 2034 - SMTP Service Extension for Returning Enhanced Error Codes]]
Best practices:
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 * [[http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2033.html|RFC 2033 - Local Mail Transfer Protocol]]
 * [[http://www.dkim.org|DomainKey Identified Mail (DKIM) draft specs]]
 * [[http://www.openid.net|OpenID]]
 * Anti-spam and anti-backscatter
  * [[http://wiki.exim.org/EximAutoReply|How To Do Autoreplies Without The World Hating You]].
  * UK Joint Academic Network (JANet) provides network connectivity and services for UK
HE institutions has [[http://www.ja.net/services/csirt/advice/policies/collateral-spam.html|guidance to victims of backscatter]].

  * [[http://www.ukuug.org/events/winter2005/programme.shtml|A talk given at a UK Unix User Group meeting. Look for the 5th abstract on [this page]].
  * [[http://www.dontbouncespam.org/]]
  * [[http://spamlinks.net/prevent-secure-backscatter.htm]]
  * The inevitable [[http://mayfirst.org/?q=node/180|"...considered harmful" article]].
  * ...and another, also from JANet [[http://www.ja.net/services/csirt/threats/bounce.html|Spam Bounces Considered Harmful]].

Mailman Developer Resources

Source code revision control

Mailman's source code is published in a publicly available revision control system called Bazaar available through the code hosting and open source development service called Launchpad. On June 22, 2007, we switched from using Subversion on SourceForge to the new repository, and while the old Subversion repository will still be available read-only, no new updates will be committed to it. Hosting the source code on Bazaar provides both the core developers and unofficial third party extensions much more freedom to hack on Mailman.

Here is more detail on how to develop Mailman code using Bazaar and Launchpad.

Here are a list of important official and unofficial branches.

Versions specific resources

Here are the collection of resources for people interested in the development of Mailman.

Initiatives and proposals

Other developer information

Google did a 2006 Summer of Codeprogram in 2006, and Mailman was a sponsor. See the Summer of Code page and Mailman 2.2 page for more information.

Mailman is a GNU project with the majority of the copyrights being held by the Free Software Foundation. We therefore request that developers who contribute code, assign their copyrights in their Mailman contribution to the FSF. To do this, you first need to submit a GNU copyright assignment request form containing some basic information, and then fill out the form that the FSF sends you. Please let us knowafter you've sent the second form so that we can track your contribution. The FSF often doesn't tell us in a timely manner when such forms have been received.

Relevant RFCs, references, and standards

Here are some useful RFCs, references and drafts:

Best practices:

HE institutions has guidance to victims of backscatter.

MailmanWiki: DEV/Home (last edited 2023-02-25 16:13:48 by stephen@xemacs.org)