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Sketches of a REST interface to Mailman

.h1 Resource Types

  • Lists
  • Users
  • Subscriptions (which tie together a single user and a single list).
  • Messages

.h1 Use Cases

  • .h1 Principles

One question is what to use for the representation of each resource? That is, when you access a user's settings by retrieving some URL, what format are the results in? We could use:

  • HTML
  • An existing XML format for representing data structures, such as XML-RPC's serialization.
  • A custom-designed XML format.
  • JSON

I suggest using JSON. Libraries are available for most relevant programming languages and it's reasonably human-readable. Designing a custom XML format seems unnecessary, but there's no obvious standard format to use.

.h1 URL Space


Cliff Ingham

I'm needing to build a standalone webservice for Mailman that our content manager can access. I'm most comfortable in PHP, so it's probably going to be PHP instead of Python.

But it will be needing to support authentication for usage. I'm planning on it just being a wrapper for the command line tools. If folks are interested, I could contribute our code as it goes. All our work here at the City of Bloomington is GPL. Either way, I'd be very interested in seeing a native RESTful interface come with Mailman