Differences between revisions 7 and 13 (spanning 6 versions)
Revision 7 as of 2016-10-15 04:16:43
Size: 11451
Editor: msapiro
Comment: Clarify it's my custom templates in site/en, not necessarily all templtes.
Revision 13 as of 2018-06-01 21:31:24
Size: 3933
Editor: msapiro
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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{{{#!wiki note
Postorius and HyperKitty have now changed from Mozilla Persona supplemented with Python Social Auth to Django Allauth for authentication, and the templating in Mailman Core has changed. The changes associated with this are outlined towards the end of this document.
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For both installs I started with mailman-bundler.
=== lists.mailman3.org ===
On lm3o, I created /opt/mailman and cloned mailman-bundler into /opt/mailman/mailman-bundler. I more or less followed its docs for a production install, but I decided not to use virtualenvs, so I set buildout.cfg for 'production' and ran buildout not in a virtualenv - also I probably had to ensure I had up to date setuptools and pip.
=== Update ===
I have done a significant reinstallation on both servers. <<Action(recall,The prior version of this page,rev=10)>> is no longer applicable to these servers. I will be updating this page with more information about the current installs as time goes forward.
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I installed ruby-sass and postgreSQL. I installed psycopg2 with both pip and pip3. I also installed gunicorn as the WSGI server for nginx and [[attachment:lm3o_nginx.txt|configured]] ngnix. I configured gunicorn as an [[attachment:lm3o_gunicorn.txt|upstart job]] to run as user:group mailman:mailman and set its [[attachment:lm3o_gunicorn.conf.txt|config]] as recommended. === Preliminaries ===
Both servers already had sass and memcached installed via
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I created the mailmanweb postgreSQL DB and a postgreSQL mailman user. `apt install ruby-sass`<<BR>>
`apt install memcached`
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The main departure from a bundler production install is that I wanted to install the various Mailman components (and dependencies) system wide from the heads of the respective gitlab branches. Also, the servers are both Ubuntu 14.04 and the native Python 3 is Python 3.4, so I had previously installed Python 3.6 from source. It turned out that I also couldn't install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 on mpo via apt because that installed a Python 3.4 version. Ultimately on mpo I installed mod_wsgi via pip, but this required re-running `configure` and `make install` for Python 3.6 because I hadn't specified `--enable-shared` initially and that is required to build mod_wsgi.
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To this end, I cloned the hyperkitty, mailmanclient, postorius, mailman and mailman-hyperkitty branches into /opt/git. and ran their respective 'setup.py install' scripts with the appropriate system Python (3.4 for mailman and mailman-hyperkitty and 2.7 for the rest). The next step is the hardest. For those packages in mailman-bundler/eggs that had corresponding system package (probably in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages) that could be imported in the system Python, I just deleted the mailman-bundler/eggs/ package and similarly for those Python 3 packages in mailman-bundler/venv-3.4/lib/python3.4/site-packeges that had a corresponding system package. === Installation ===
For these installs, I opted to install the entire Mailman suite in a virtualenv. The biggest motivation for this choice was the fact that there are already production lists on both servers and using a virtualenv allowed me to do a lot of the work in advance without interfering with the production install.
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I also went through the mailman-bundler/bin/* scripts and removed now non-existent paths from the list added to sys.path. Note that all of this is done as the `mailman` user.
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There were some issues because I used only Django 1.9. django-haystack 2.4 is not compatible with Django 1.9, so I cloned the django-haystack 2.5.dev branch from github and installed that. I already had some things set up in `/opt/mailman` including a `git` subdirectory containing clones of the !GitLab `mailman`, `mailmanclient`, `mailman-hyperkitty`, `hyperkitty`, `django-mailman3` and `postorius` projects.
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There are also a lot of deprecation warnings in logs, some of which I've tried to address. I then created a `/opt/mailman/mm` directory and within that a Python 3.6 virtualenv named `/opt/mailman/mm/venv`. I then activated the virtualenv and did
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The remainder consisted of putting desired configuration in [[attachment:lm3o_settings_local.txt|mailman-bundler/mailman_web/settings_local.py]], and editing [[attachment:lm3o_mailman.cfg.txt|mailman-bundler/deployment/mailman.cfg]], [[attachment:lm3o_hyperkitty.cfg.txt|mailman-bundler/deployment/mailman-hyperkitty.cfg]] and [[attachment:lm3o_urls.txt|mailman-bundler/mailman_web/urls.py]]. `pip install psycopg2-binary`<<BR>>
`pip install pylibmc`<<BR>>
`pip install Whoosh`
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I also tried to create an upstart script for mailman, but despite trying all options, I couldn't get it to get the proper demonized PID so I went with an [[attachment:mailman_init.txt|init.d script]]. on both servers. These are dependencies for using the PostgreSQL database, memcached and the Whoosh backend for !HyperKitty archive search.
Then because lm3o uses nginx and Gunicorn to support wsgi apps, I did
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The Mailman specific Postfix [[attachment:lm3o_postfix.txt|things]] are very straightforward. `pip install gunicorn`
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For authentication, I couldn't get Google OpenID to work, but I was able to use OAuth2. I tried Twitter, but you can't get email address from Twitter so that's out. See [[attachment:lm3o_settings_local.txt|settings_local.py]] for details. Also, I added a bit to mailman-bundler/bin/mailman-post-update to do
    cd $STATIC_DIR/hyperkitty/img/login
    ln -s google.png google-oauth2.png
    cd $OLDPWD
for the login graphic.
there, and on mpo which uses Apache and mod_wsgi, I did
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There are several default templates that have incorrect or generic URLs for the web UI. To make these better, I installed these templates in /opt/mailman/mailman-bundler/var/templates/site/en/:
 * [[attachment:footer-generic.txt]]
 * [[attachment:masthead.txt]]
 * [[attachment:newlist.txt]]
 * [[attachment:probe.txt]]
 * [[attachment:welcome.txt]]
and for each supported domain I installed in /opt/mailman/mailman-bundler/templates/domains/EMAIL_DOMAIN/en/:
 * [[attachment:postack.txt]]
with the literal `EMAIL_DOMAIN` replaced by the actual domain name.
=== mail.python.org ===
The installation on mail.python.org was similar in many ways but different in others. The major differences are because mpo is an established server running Apache and Postfix and supporting over 300 Mailman 2.1 lists in the python.org domain which is a Postfix virtual alias domain. This complicated the Postfix configuration because we wanted Mailman 3 lists to also be in the python.org email domain and Postfix virtual alias domains don't honor transport maps which is the normal way of delivering mail from Postfix to MM 3.
`pip install mod_wsgi`
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Another difference is I decided to use virtualenvs for this install.

Much of the install was the same. I have some notes of what was done, and I will only elaborate differences.

Steps were:

Create /opt/mailman owned by mailman.

As the mailmanuser, git clone mailman-bundler.

Basically follow bundler docs.

Run buildout as production.

Install ruby-sass.

Install apache mod_wsgi. The Apache wsgi config is [[attachment:mpo_wsgi.txt]].

Make [[attachment:lm3o_settings_local.txt|mailman_web/local_settings.py]] with [[attachment:mpo_settings_diff.txt|differences]]

Edit [[attachment:lm3o_urls.txt|mailman_web/urls.py]] (change urlpatterns to list for django 1.9 and remove `{"SSL": True\}`

Edit base_url and api_key in [[attachment:lm3o_hyperkitty.cfg.txt|/opt/mailman/mailman-bundler/deployment/mailman-hyperkitty.cfg]] (values are different).

Install postgresql create mailmanweb DB and mailman user.

Install postgresql-server-dev-9.3 and then pip install psycopg2 in both venvs.

Make /opt/mailman/git/ and clone django-haystack mailman mailman-hyperkitty hyperkitty mailmanclient postorius repos and run the setups in the appropriate venv.

Remove older mailman and mailman-hyperkitty from venv-3.4/lib/...

In eggs/ for everything with a version in venv/lib/..., remove the eggs/ subdir and replace it with a symlink to the venv/lib/... version. Link both Django 1.8 and 1.9 to the Django 1.9 in venv/lib/...

Create django superuser.

Update Oauth providers to recognize the additional callback domain.

Add custom templates as above for lm3o.
=== Postfix issues ===
A major issue on mpo was trying to have MM 3 lists have @python.org email addresses so these wouldn't need to change upon list migration. In cases where the list domain is in Postfix mydestinations, this is straightforward, but when the list domain is a virtual alias domain, it's more difficult. What I did is a bit of a kludge. We plan to make this a feature so it too will be straightforward, but it isn't there yet.

The solution is as follows:

Use virtual_alias_maps to map `list(-*)@python.org` to `list(-*)@x.python.org`, and then use transport_maps to relay `list(-*)@x.python.org` to Mailman's LMTP runner in the usual way, and finally modify Mailman's LMTP runner to rewrite the `x.python.org` recipient domain to `python.org` so the address corresponds to what Mailman expects.

The details involve several pieces. Add a [[attachment:mpo_mailman.cfg.add.txt|section]] to mailman-bundler/deployment/mailman.cfg to reference [[attachment:mpo_postfix.cfg.txt|mailman-bundler/deployment/postfix.cfg]] which in turn sets postmap_command to [[attachment:mpo_postmap.txt|mailman-bundler/bin/postmap_command]] which creates additional files. Reference these files in [[attachment:mpo_postfix_main.txt|Postfix]] and [[attachment:mpo_lmtp_patch.txt|patch]] mailman/runners/lmtp.py.
== Recent changes ==
=== Postfix ===
At the current time, there is are proposals to modify the [[https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman/merge_requests/202|core]] and [[https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailmanclient/merge_requests/18|mailman client]] to add an alias_domain attribute to the domain object to deal with the above Postfix configuration issue. Ultimately Postorius will also need to be updated to set/display the alias_domain.
=== Django Haystack ===
django-haystack 2.5 has been released and should be installed by bundler so it shouldn't be necessary to do anything special for Django Haystack compatibility with Django 1.9.
=== Templating Changes ===
The core's templating has changed. The information above about custom templates is no longer valid. The custom templates I am using are now all in /opt/mailman/mailman-bundler/var/templates/site/en/ as follows:
 * [[attachment:domain:admin:notice:new-list.txt]]
 * [[attachment:list:admin:action:post.txt]]
 * [[attachment:list:member:digest:masthead.txt]]
 * [[attachment:list:member:generic:footer.txt]]
 * [[attachment:list:user:notice:post.txt]]
 * [[attachment:list:user:notice:probe.txt]]
 * [[attachment:list:user:notice:welcome.txt]]
These are the lm3o templates. The mpo templates are the same except for URL.
=== Django Allauth Changes ===
The change to Django Allauth as well as other changes (see below) required changes to files in /opt/mailman/mailman-bundler/mailman_web/. The three changed files are:
 * [[attachment:urls.py]]
 * [[attachment:production.py]]
 * [[attachment:settings_local.py]]
These are the lm3o versions of these files with some passwords/keys elided. The differences for mpo are the same as for the prior versions. It is not clear that there aren't things in settings_local.py that should really be in production.py, but this is the config that works for me with social auth for Google, Facebook, !GitHub and !GitLab. Note that the keys and secrets for social auth providers are now set in the database via the Django admin web UI.
=== Other Changes ===
Parts of Postorius and HyperKitty have been split out into a [[https://gitlab.com/mailman/django-mailman3|django-mailman3]] branch which needs to be cloned and installed. It is installed along with Postorius and HyperKitty in the same way as they are installed. This also requires 'django_mailman3' to be added to INSTALLED_APPS in the Django config. See above.
=== Migration ===
The prior install on both servers used Mailman Bundler which is obsolete, however for consistency I kept some of the same names. Everything is in the /opt/mailman/ directory. I maintained the prior git/ subdirectory along with two bash scripts, [[attachment:pull_script.txt|pull|view]] and [[attachment:build_script.txt|build|view]] which are used to pull changes from !GitLab and build everything in the venv.


I have now installed Mailman 3 for production on two different servers. This is intended to be documentation of my decisions and experiences in doing so. It will be more of a narrative than a how-to, but I hope a how-to can be distilled from it.

The two servers are lists.mailman3.org (lm3o) and mail.python.org (mpo). Pre-existing things on those servers forced some decisions which were different between them, but the actual MM 3 installation was pretty much up to me, yet I did it differently the second time due to things I thought I'd learned the first time.

A fundamental step in any installation is to ensure that you have the necessary infrastructure for reliably sending mail. This mostly involves DNS records. I won't go into detail, but you need an A and maybe AAAA record for your MAIL FROM domain and rDNS PTR records for the IPs pointing back to the domain. You may also need an MX record for your email domain pointing to the Mailman server. Also good is a mechanism for DKIM signing outgoing mail and DKIM and SPF records for the domain.

This already existed on mpo, but needed to be set up on lm3o.

lm3o is the same server as mirror.list.org/mirror.mailman3.org. This is a mirror of the GNU Mailman web site and was already set up using nginx as a web server. Thus, the MM 3 installation here uses nginx as the web server proxying to gunicorn for WSGI support.


I have done a significant reinstallation on both servers. The prior version of this page is no longer applicable to these servers. I will be updating this page with more information about the current installs as time goes forward.


Both servers already had sass and memcached installed via

apt install ruby-sass
apt install memcached

Also, the servers are both Ubuntu 14.04 and the native Python 3 is Python 3.4, so I had previously installed Python 3.6 from source. It turned out that I also couldn't install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 on mpo via apt because that installed a Python 3.4 version. Ultimately on mpo I installed mod_wsgi via pip, but this required re-running configure and make install for Python 3.6 because I hadn't specified --enable-shared initially and that is required to build mod_wsgi.


For these installs, I opted to install the entire Mailman suite in a virtualenv. The biggest motivation for this choice was the fact that there are already production lists on both servers and using a virtualenv allowed me to do a lot of the work in advance without interfering with the production install.

Note that all of this is done as the mailman user.

I already had some things set up in /opt/mailman including a git subdirectory containing clones of the GitLab mailman, mailmanclient, mailman-hyperkitty, hyperkitty, django-mailman3 and postorius projects.

I then created a /opt/mailman/mm directory and within that a Python 3.6 virtualenv named /opt/mailman/mm/venv. I then activated the virtualenv and did

pip install psycopg2-binary
pip install pylibmc
pip install Whoosh

on both servers. These are dependencies for using the PostgreSQL database, memcached and the Whoosh backend for HyperKitty archive search. Then because lm3o uses nginx and Gunicorn to support wsgi apps, I did

pip install gunicorn

there, and on mpo which uses Apache and mod_wsgi, I did

pip install mod_wsgi


The prior install on both servers used Mailman Bundler which is obsolete, however for consistency I kept some of the same names. Everything is in the /opt/mailman/ directory. I maintained the prior git/ subdirectory along with two bash scripts, pull and build which are used to pull changes from GitLab and build everything in the venv.

MailmanWiki: DOC/Mailman 3 installation experience (last edited 2023-11-24 16:16:40 by msapiro)