Revision 2 as of 2008-06-11 23:16:56

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1.22. I have a basic question -- What kind of information do I need to provide when posting a question to this mailing list?

The first thing you should do is indicate that you've done your homework. Look at the Mailman documentation linked from Search the Frequently Asked Questions in the wiki. Search the archives of the mailing list (see How do I search the archives of the mailman-users mailing list?).

Once you've looked through all the relevant pieces of documentation, FAQ entries, archive messages, etc... and you still haven't found your answer, please give us additional information as well as the question itself.

Specifically, we would like to know:

1. What methods did you use to look through the documentation and search the FAQ, mailing list archives, etc...?

2. If there were things that initially sounded relevant but ended up not being useful to you, which ones were they?

If you did miss something that is relevant, then having this information will help us go back and improve the documentation/FAQ/etc... so that the next person who does the same search will hopefully hit the correct answer.

In addition, we would appreciate it if you could provide URLs and precise descriptions of the information you found but which was not helpful to you.

See also FAQ entry Troubleshooting- No mail going out to lists members.

With this information, we are much more likely to be able to provide you assistance with your question.

If you have a specific/detailed question, please procede to FAQ entry 1.23 at I have a specific-detailed question -- What kind of information do I need to provide when posting a question to this mailing list?.

  • Please turn off any spam-blocking software that requires anyone to jump through hoops to email you. ***

Last changed on Fri Aug 20 22:56:33 2004 by Jeff Barger Converted from the Mailman FAQ Wizard

This is one of many Frequently Asked Questions.