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Revision 1 as of 2020-04-27 18:25:50
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Editor: BrianEMWD
Revision 2 as of 2020-04-27 18:36:02
Size: 531
Editor: BrianEMWD
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This document is a how to install the Mailman 3 server on a Debian 10 server. The server environment will include Debian 10, NGINX, Let's Encrypt, Postfix, and PosgresDB.

== Prepare Server Environment ==

1. Create a VPS running Debian 10. I recommend something from Digital Ocean or Linode. The server should be a minimum of 1 CPU and 2 Gigabyte of Memory. 25-50 Gb of storage should be sufficient.

2. Log into the server as root.

{{{$ ssh root@your_server_ip}}}

How to Install Mailman 3 on a Debian 10 Server.

This document is a how to install the Mailman 3 server on a Debian 10 server. The server environment will include Debian 10, NGINX, Let's Encrypt, Postfix, and PosgresDB.

Prepare Server Environment

1. Create a VPS running Debian 10. I recommend something from Digital Ocean or Linode. The server should be a minimum of 1 CPU and 2 Gigabyte of Memory. 25-50 Gb of storage should be sufficient.

2. Log into the server as root.

$ ssh root@your_server_ip

MailmanWiki: DOC/Howto_Install_Mailman3_On_Debian10 (last edited 2023-11-24 16:09:02 by msapiro)