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Revision 1 as of 2010-01-22 07:03:28
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Editor: barry
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Editor: barry
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The [[http://us.pycon.org/2010/about/|2010 Python conference in Atlanta]] will be making space available once again for sprints, on February 22 through 25. I propose that we sprint on the new web user interface for Mailman 3. The [[http://us.pycon.org/2010/about/|2010 Python conference in Atlanta]] will be making space available once again for sprints, on February 22 through 25. I propose that we sprint on the new [[DEV/Web Interface|web user interface]] for Mailman 3.

Mailman sprint at Pycon 2010

The 2010 Python conference in Atlanta will be making space available once again for sprints, on February 22 through 25. I propose that we sprint on the new web user interface for Mailman 3.

We'll be doing things like reviewing and choosing technologies, doing the information layout, building the framework, and fleshing out the REST API. Whether we conduct the sprint or not depends on whether we have a critical mass of participants, though I don't have a hard number on that.

If you're attending Pycon and are interested in participating in this sprint, please add your name below.

name email address role notes
Barry Warsaw barry at list dot org Sprint leader

MailmanWiki: DEV/PyCon Sprint 2010 (last edited 2010-02-17 22:06:01 by p@state-of-mind)