Revision 58 as of 2018-04-20 06:15:49

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Mailman 3.0

Mailman 3.0 was released on April 28, 2015. See also the release notes.

Contributors are welcome and encouraged! Discussions will happen on the mailman-developers mailing list. Anyone can check out and use the current development source branches.

Development and status

Mailman 3 is essentially five projects:

Mailman 3.0 is most suitable to new installations of Mailman. We do not guarantee that it will work well for migrations and upgrades of Mailman 2.x; we believe that will work, but encourage you to make backups and test your migrations first. It is not yet at full feature parity with Mailman 2.x, but we're working on that for 3.1.

Developer resources:

Installation HowTo

Currently the best path for installing the entire Mailman 3 suite at once is Mailman Bundler:

Mailman Bundler setup instructions on ReadTheDocs

Note that Mailman Bunlder is not suitable if you want to participate in development. You can find the instructions on how to setup Mailman 3 for development in the development homepage.

If you're installing on Ubuntu, see DEV/Mailman 3.0/Mailman 3.0 Suite Install on Ubuntu for the commands to install the prerequisites.

We do eventually hope to have appropriate packages for some popular distros, so if you prefer packages only, please be patient!

If you want to try Mailman 3 suite out in Docker, you might want to see DEV/Mailman 3.0/Mailman 3.0 Suite Dockerfile. I am still looking for someone to help provide nice instructions on how to use this, including connecting port 8000 inside the container to a port on the outside so that the tutorial can end with "and now go to http://localhost:8000/mailman3 to check out the web interface!"