Differences between revisions 4 and 6 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2006-04-07 13:01:27
Size: 2537
Editor: barry
Revision 6 as of 2006-04-28 11:02:27
Size: 2593
Editor: barry
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 * [[../Mailman in the news|Mailman in the news]]

The Mailman Community

Here's where the Mailman community can share and find information about others who use Mailman.

Mailman mailing lists

Here are the various Mailman mailing lists for getting in touch with other users and developers:

  • Mailman Users is the mailing list to subscribe to if you are using Mailman at your site, and have problems or questions relating to installation, use, etc. We'll try to keep the deep technical discussions off this list. (archives)

  • Mailman Announce is a read-only list that you can subscribe to if you are only interested in release notices and other important news. Only the core Mailman developers can post messages to this list. (archives)

  • Mailman Developers is the mailing list to use if you are interested in helping us develop Mailman, discuss future directions, etc. This is the list for more in-depth technical issues. (archives)

  • Mailman Internationalization is the list for discussing the multi-lingual support in Mailman. Everyone who is working on translations of Mailman should subscribe to this mailing list. (archives)

  • Mailman Checkins is an adjunct list to the publically accessible read-only source code repository. This list is for the hardcore developers, or anybody else submitting patches, since we really prefer such patches to be generated against the latest snapshot. This is a read-only list; only the core Mailman developers can post messages to this list. There is no archive.



Does anyone know how to forward messages existing mailman archive to specific e-mail addr?

Juan Sendra

I have some problems creating a new list on my domain http://www.tria4.com

Cant access to http://list.tria4.com/mailman/create, and I've got the DNS entries configured OK (A entry pointing my IP server)

Any idea? I'm done after 25 attempts.

Thanks. AboVal.

Terri Oda

For quicker answers, please post to the mailman users mailing list rather than asking here. Many more people read the list than watch the wiki regularly, so you're much more likely to get an answer!

Mark Sapiro

I have integrated mailman with zimbra cs, when I run service mailman start, I got the error message, like this :

[root@mail ~]# service mailman start
 Starting mailman: Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/lib/mailman/bin/mailmanctl", line 113, in ?
 from Mailman.MailList import MailList<<BR>> File "/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py", line 49, in ?
 from Mailman.ZimbraIntegration import ZimbraIntegration<<BR>> File "/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/ZimbraIntegration.py", line 4
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax

What can I make this possible ? Any suggestion will be appreciate


As it says above under "If you need help...", and in Terri's comment, questions will get much more attention if posted to the mailman-users mailing list.

The problem here is a syntax error (probably indentation) at line 4 in /usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/ZimbraIntegration.py. This is not a GNU Mailman module. You'll have to get support from whoever distributes it.

  • Mark Sapiro
Mark Sapiro

I have two questions re: login attempts to the mailman (version 2.1.11) interface:

1) after x number of failed login attempts, does mailman automatically reset the password for a list?

2) is a record of login attempts tracked anywhere?

I'd really appreciate hearing from anyone who can help.


As it says above under "If you need help...", and in Terri's comment, questions will get much more attention if posted to the mailman-users mailing list.

If you mean admin/admindb logins, the answer to both questions is No.

Failed user options logins are logged in the 'mischief' log, but only if the membership roster is not available to 'Anyone' (Privacy options... -> Subscription rules -> private_roster).

  • Mark Sapiro

MailmanWiki: COM/Home (last edited 2021-03-25 14:37:11 by msapiro)