Differences between revisions 25 and 26
Revision 25 as of 2017-11-19 18:52:53
Size: 3771
Editor: maxking
Comment: Update release versions
Revision 26 as of 2018-04-20 07:04:00
Size: 3723
Editor: maxking
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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GNU Mailman 3 is actually a suite of 6 or 7 subprojects: GNU Mailman 3 is actually a suite of 6 subprojects, we collectively call them The Mailman Suite:
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The Core is required. Postorius and !HyperKitty are awesome, and highly recommended, but you could of course roll your own web ui and archiver. mailman.client is useful, but you could always program directly against the REST API.  mailman-bundler is also useful, but you could build out your own suite of these tools. The Core is required. Postorius and !HyperKitty are awesome, and highly recommended, but you could of course roll your own web ui and archiver. mailman.client is useful, but you could always program directly against the REST API.

Mailman 3 Release Notes

GNU Mailman 3 is actually a suite of 6 subprojects, we collectively call them The Mailman Suite:

  • Mailman Core - the core delivery engine which accepts messages, providers moderation and processing of the messages, and delivers messages to mailing list member recipients. It exposes its functionality to other components over a private, administrative REST API.

  • Postorius - A new Django-based web user interface for end users and list administrators.

  • HyperKitty - A new Django-based web archiver.

  • mailman-hyperkitty - A plugin for the core to communicate with HyperKitty.

  • django-mailman3 - Django modules and templates common to Postorius and HyperKitty (New in mailman 3.1).

  • mailmanclient - The official Python 2 and 3 bindings to the administrative REST API. Used by Postorius and HyperKitty, this provides a convenient, object-based API for programmatic access to the Core.

The Core is required. Postorius and HyperKitty are awesome, and highly recommended, but you could of course roll your own web ui and archiver. mailman.client is useful, but you could always program directly against the REST API.

Compatibility chart

Mailman 3 is architected and released quite differently than Mailman 2.1. It is important to know which versions of these 6 or 7 components are compatible with each other. Our current thinking is that we'll coordinate releases on major version number boundaries, e.g. 3.0, 3.1, etc. but that each component will have its own patch release schedule, as appropriate for that project.

The crucial point of interoperability is the REST API, which is versioned. In Mailman Core 3.1, the API version is also 3.1. Our intent is that for any changes which are backward compatible, such as adding new end points or methods, we don't need to rev the API version. Backward incompatible changes to the API, e.g. removing an API or changing attributes of a resource, will require a version bump of the API. It's also possible that tools such as Postorius may be compatible with different versions of the API.

This chart describes the versions of the components which are officially defined as compatible. Follow the links to see additional release notes for the given component.

Suite Release Version

Code Name

API Version

Core Version

Postorius Version

HyperKitty Version

mailman-hyperkitty Version

django-mailman3 Version

mailmanclient Version


Show Don't Tell









Between the Wheels








Known Issues

  • While it is possible to upgrade existing Mailman 2.1 lists to run on Mailman 3, we are not yet officially sanctioning it. The plan is to officially support upgrades with Mailman 3.1, but for now, feel free to experiment with upgrading and let us know how it goes. It should be possible to run Mailman 2.1 on the same site as Mailman 3.

Installation Guides

Mark Sapiro has documented his experiences in standing up two Mailman 3 servers.

Mailman Suite documentation has more information about how to run mailman 3 in production.

MailmanWiki: Mailman3 (last edited 2018-07-11 15:48:30 by maxking)