Differences between revisions 2 and 6 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2015-07-18 15:55:24
Size: 3815
Editor: maxking
Comment: change package names in ubuntu/debian (actually tested in debian)
Revision 6 as of 2016-02-29 19:39:46
Size: 4180
Editor: SimonHanna
Comment: Correct path in instructions
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 11: Line 11:
  {{{ sudo yum install python-setuptools python-devel python-virtualenv python3-devel git bzr gcc nodejs-less postfix}}}
  On Debian and Ubuntu, this may be something like: {{{ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev python-virtualenv python3-dev git bzr gcc node-less postfix}}}
  {{{ sudo yum install python-setuptools python-devel python-virtualenv python3-devel git gcc nodejs-less postfix}}}

  On Debian and Ubuntu, this may be something like: {{{ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev python-virtualenv python3-dev git gcc node-less nodejs postfix}}}

Note: If you get errors like {{{ lessc: command not found }}} or {{{ FilterError }}} while compiling
bootstrap-custom.css it means either you don't have
less-css compiler installed or its version is <1.5 (which is the minimum required
for hyperkitty). Run the command below:

{{{ sudo npm install -g less }}}.
Line 16: Line 24:
bzr branch lp:mailman
bzr branch lp:mailman.client
bzr branch lp:postorius
bzr branch lp:~mailman-coders/postorius/postorius_standalone
git clone https://github.com/hyperkitty/hyperkitty.git
git clone https://github.com/hyperkitty/hyperkitty_standalone.git
git clone https://github.com/hyperkitty/mailman-hyperkitty.git
git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/mailman.git
git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/mailmanclient.git
git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/postorius.git
git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/postorius_standalone.git
git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/hyperkitty.git
git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/hyperkitty_standalone.git
git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/mailman-hyperkitty.git
Line 39: Line 47:
cd mailman.client cd mailmanclient

Setting Up Hyperkitty for Development

This is cobbled together from http://wiki.list.org/display/DEV/A+5+minute+guide+to+get+the+Mailman+web+UI+running and https://hyperkitty.readthedocs.org/en/latest/development.html and testing things out!!

Get mailman 3 and postorius working

Here's the basic setup steps to get mailman and postorius working:

  1. Make a directory to store everything. I set up /home/duffy/Repositories.
  2. Make sure you have some necessary packages. I use Fedora 21 so I'll refer to Fedora stuff. You may need to adjust package names for your distro, and this list may not be exhaustive:
    •  sudo yum install python-setuptools python-devel python-virtualenv python3-devel git gcc nodejs-less postfix

      On Debian and Ubuntu, this may be something like:  sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev python-virtualenv python3-dev git gcc node-less nodejs postfix

Note: If you get errors like  lessc: command not found  or  FilterError  while compiling bootstrap-custom.css it means either you don't have less-css compiler installed or its version is <1.5 (which is the minimum required for hyperkitty). Run the command below:

 sudo npm install -g less .

  1. Get all of the source code you need.
    • cd ~/Repositories
      git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/mailman.git
      git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/mailmanclient.git
      git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/postorius.git
      git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/postorius_standalone.git
      git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/hyperkitty.git
      git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/hyperkitty_standalone.git
      git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/mailman-hyperkitty.git
  2. Make your virtual environments. Mailman needs Python 3.4+ but Postorius and HyperKitty still run on 2.7. The command names are different because Python 3 has the ability to create virtual environments built-in.

    • pyvenv-3.4 venv-3.4
      virtualenv venv-2.7
      source venv-2.7/bin/activate
  3. Set up mailman using the python executable from the 3.4 virtualenv. You should get a positive message at the end of this saying that mailman is essentially running.
    • cd mailman
      ../venv-3.4/bin/python setup.py install
      ../venv-3.4/bin/mailman start
      cd ..
  4. Set up everything else (it's a long slog but isn't that bad!).
    • cd mailmanclient
      python setup.py develop
      cd ..
      cd postorius
      python setup.py develop
      cd ..
      cd postorius_standalone
      python manage.py syncdb --migrate
      cd ..
      cd hyperkitty
      python setup.py develop
      cd ..
  5. Start up the postorius web ui for mailman:
    • cd postorius_standalone
      python manage.py runserver &
      cd ..

Get HyperKitty going

Okay, now you're got postorius up and running, but you'll need to do some other config to get HyperKitty going. Just follow the guide here: https://hyperkitty.readthedocs.org/en/latest/development.html. Since we also have Postorius running, you'll have to add "8002" the last runserver command, because you need an available port:

django-admin.py runserver 8002 --pythonpath /home/duffy/Repositories/hyperkitty_standalone --settings settings &

Now you should be able to view the mailman management UI (postorius) at http://localhost:8000 and you should be able to view hyperkitty at http://localhost:8002.

If you want to tell Mailman to send the incoming emails to HyperKitty for archiving, you must install and setup the mailman-hyperkitty plugin.

cd mailman-hyperkitty
../venv-3.4/bin/python setup.py install
cd ../mailman
cat > mailman-hyperkitty.cfg << EOF
base_url: http://localhost:8002/
api_key: SecretArchiverAPIKey
cat >> mailman.cfg << EOF
class: mailman_hyperkitty.Archiver
enable: yes
configuration: mailman-hyperkitty.cfg

And now restart Mailman using the new mailman.cfg configuration file:

../venv-3.4/bin/mailman stop
../venv-3.4/bin/mailman -C mailman.cfg start

(mizmo wrote this on 26 Sept 2013. If it doesn't work, she either goofed something or this is out-of-date.) (updated on 07 march 2015)

MailmanWiki: HyperKitty/DevelopmentSetupGuide (last edited 2018-06-17 17:38:07 by maxking)