Revision 3 as of 2015-01-31 02:36:58

Clear message

3.31. What if I don't want to save any messages for the moderator?

For Mailman 2.1.5, go to the "Privacy options..." page for the list in question, then down to the "Sender filters..." sub-page.

At the top of this page, there is an option for what you want to happen by default to messages that come from users that have their moderation bit set (member_moderation_action). You most likely want this to be set to "Hold".

At the bottom of this page (the second from last option), there is a setting for the action to take for postings from non-members for which no explicit action is defined (generic_nonmember_action). Set this to "Discard".

The last option on this page is "Should messages from non-members, which are automatically discarded, be forwarded to the list moderator?" (forward_auto_discards). You want to set this to be "No", so that you aren't bothered with all this spam or whatever.

Converted from the Mailman FAQ Wizard

This is one of many Frequently Asked Questions.