Differences between revisions 2 and 6 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2007-07-08 09:05:29
Size: 780
Editor: atif@myveryown
Revision 6 as of 2007-07-08 10:27:18
Size: 2711
Editor: atif@myveryown
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The following have been tested using the following configuration The following has been tested using the following configuration
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{{{#!wiki caution
root@mailman.foo.bar&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; admin@foo.bar&nbsp;
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root@mailman.foo.bar&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; admin@foo.bar&nbsp; this shall redirect any email to root on the server to be redirected to the email admin on the mail server.
=== &nbsp;local.m4 ===
local mailer is used by sendmail to deliver mails; however since we are not using the server to host any emails we don't need it.&nbsp; We can change it to pass all the mails to mm-handler. Edit /usr/share/sendmail-cf/mailer/local.m4
{{{#!wiki caution
at the end of the file look for

Mlocal,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ...

and replace it with

Mlocal,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; P=/etc/mail/mm-handler, F=rDFMhlqSu, S=EnvFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL,
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix, U=mailman:mail,
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A=mm-handler $h -j $j -d $u

{{{#!wiki warning
Make sure that there is a tab after Mlocal, and not spaces.&nbsp; Otherwise it might not work

{{{#!wiki warning
This Mlocal is modified so that sendmail passes the hostname using -j parameter.&nbsp; Also a -d parameter has been added before $u.

 1. This assumes that mm-handler is installed in /etc/mail/mm-handler.&nbsp; You change it to the location where mm-handler is installed/copied.
 1. U=mailman:mail shall run mm-handler as user:mailman, group:mail.&nbsp; Change it to one that your mailman installation expects.
=== &nbsp;mm-handler ===
Copy the file into /etc/mail/ directory (or where ever your installation of sendmail is).

{{{#!wiki caution
Make sure that the path in your local.m4 is the same as the one where you are copying the mm-handler file


chmod ug+x mm-handler


This shall make the script executable by user and group.&nbsp;


chown root:mail mm-handler&nbsp;


This changes the group to mail.&nbsp; However you should make it that specified in local.m4.&nbsp;


The following has been tested using the following configuration

  • Mailman 2.1.9
  • Sendmail 8.13.1
  • CentOS release 4.5 (Final)
  • Attached mm-handler (most noticeable change is writing logs to syslog)
  • You are going to be using the server only for mailing lists and not for delivery to local addresses


For the purpose of this document the server domain shall be called mailman.foo.com and it is a 'A' name entry in the DNS. 


 add the following in your /etc/mail/virtusertable

this shall redirect any email to root on the server to be redirected to the email admin on the mail server.


local mailer is used by sendmail to deliver mails; however since we are not using the server to host any emails we don't need it.  We can change it to pass all the mails to mm-handler. Edit /usr/share/sendmail-cf/mailer/local.m4

at the end of the file look for

Mlocal,    ...

and replace it with

Mlocal,    P=/etc/mail/mm-handler, F=rDFMhlqSu, S=EnvFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL,              T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix, U=mailman:mail,              A=mm-handler $h -j $j -d $u

Make sure that there is a tab after Mlocal, and not spaces.  Otherwise it might not work

This Mlocal is modified so that sendmail passes the hostname using -j parameter.  Also a -d parameter has been added before $u.

  1. This assumes that mm-handler is installed in /etc/mail/mm-handler.  You change it to the location where mm-handler is installed/copied.

  2. U=mailman:mail shall run mm-handler as user:mailman, group:mail.  Change it to one that your mailman installation expects.


Copy the file into /etc/mail/ directory (or where ever your installation of sendmail is).

Make sure that the path in your local.m4 is the same as the one where you are copying the mm-handler file


chmod ug+x mm-handler


This shall make the script executable by user and group. 


chown root:mail mm-handler&nbsp;


This changes the group to mail.  However you should make it that specified in local.m4. 

MailmanWiki: DOC/Integrating Mailman with Sendmail (last edited 2008-01-08 02:54:24 by tlembke)