Revision 1 as of 2008-05-27 13:24:09

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3.8. I forgot my list password! How do I get it back?

The site password can be used to log into anywhere a member password or list password would go. So you can reset the password to something you do know: use the site password to log into the list and change the password (you don't need to know the old list password to do this). If you haven't got a site password, use $(MAILMAN_HOME)/bin/mmsitepass to set one.

(If you are not also the site administrator, have the site administrator change the list password for you. Once the site administrator has set it, you have a new list password, and you can change it again to something that only you know.)

If you have a shell on the box running mailman, you can use the ( /usr/lib/mailman/bin/ ) change_pw tool. Run change_pw --help for usage.

Last changed on Fri Nov 12 15:27:55 2004 by Joost van Baal Converted from the Mailman FAQ Wizard

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