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   1 # Copyright (C) 2013 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   2 #
   3 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   4 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   5 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   6 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   7 #
   8 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  11 # GNU General Public License for more details.
  12 #
  13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  14 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  15 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
  16 # USA.
  18 """Handler to limit a member's posts to a list to M per calendar day or M per
  19 time period and/or limit the total number of posts to the to the list to L in
  20 the same period.
  22 This handler should go in the pipeline before Moderate.
  24 This file should be copied to Mailman/Handlers/
  26 To activate it for a particular list put the following code, edited for the
  27 parameters you want, in lists/LISTNAME/
  29 -------------------------- cut ------------
  30 import copy
  31 from Mailman import mm_cfg
  32 def extend(mlist):
  33     if not hasattr(mlist, 'pipeline'):
  34         mlist.pipeline = copy.copy(mm_cfg.GLOBAL_PIPELINE)
  35     if 'PostLimit' not in mlist.pipeline:
  36         mlist.pipeline.insert(mlist.pipeline.index('Moderate'), 'PostLimit')
  37     if not hasattr(mlist, 'post_member_limit'):
  38         # To limit the number of member posts per period, set the following
  39         # to the limit.
  40         mlist.post_member_limit = 0
  41     if not hasattr(mlist, 'post_list_limit'):
  42         # To limit the number of list posts per period, set the following
  43         # to the limit.
  44         mlist.post_list_limit = 0
  45     if not hasattr(mlist, 'post_period'):
  46         # To set the time period, set the following.
  47         #  <=0 -> current day
  48         #   >0 -> number of hours
  49         mlist.post_period = 0
  50 -------------------------- cut ------------
  51 """
  53 import time
  55 from Mailman import Errors
  56 from Mailman.i18n import _
  58 # L if > 0, is the maximum number of list posts allowed in the period
  59 # M if > 0, is the maximum number of per member posts allowed in the period
  60 # PERIOD is an integer that defines the period
  61 #  <=0 -> the current calendar day (local time)
  62 #   >0 -> the length of the period in hours
  64 # Do not set these here. Set the corresponding list attributes in the list's
  65 # or via withlist or config_list (see above).
  66 L = 0
  67 M = 0
  68 PERIOD = 0
  72 def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
  73     global L, M, PERIOD
  74     if msgdata.get('approved'):
  75         return
  76     if hasattr(mlist, 'post_list_limit'):
  77         L = mlist.post_list_limit
  78     if hasattr(mlist, 'post_member_limit'):
  79         M = mlist.post_member_limit
  80     if hasattr(mlist, 'post_period'):
  81         PERIOD = mlist.post_period
  82     if L <= 0 and M <= 0:
  83         return
  84     # First of all, is the poster a member or not (same test as
  85     #
  86     for sender in msg.get_senders():
  87         if mlist.isMember(sender):
  88             break
  89     else:
  90         sender = None
  91     if not sender and L <= 0:
  92         # Sender is not a member and we're not limiting the list, let
  93         # Moderate handle it.
  94         return
  96     # If this is the first time for this list, we need to create the
  97     # dictionary for post counting
  98     if not hasattr(mlist, 'post_counts'):
  99         mlist.post_counts = {}
 100     now = time.time()
 101     lposts = mlist.post_counts.setdefault('list', [])
 102     lposts = drop_old(lposts, now)
 103     mposts = mlist.post_counts.setdefault(sender, [])
 104     mposts = drop_old(mposts, now)
 105     if (L <= 0 and len(mposts) < M or
 106             M <= 0 and len(lposts) < L or
 107             len(mposts) < M and len(lposts) < L):
 108         lposts.append(now)
 109         mlist.post_counts['list'] = lposts
 110         mposts.append(now)
 111         mlist.post_counts[sender] = mposts
 112         return
 113     if PERIOD <= 0:
 114         period = _('today')
 115     else:
 116         period = _('in the last %(PERIOD)s hours')
 117     if M > 0 and len(mposts) >= M:
 118         what = _('You have already sent %(M)s')
 119     else:
 120         what = _('There have already been %(L)s')
 121     rmsg = _('%(what)s posts to this list %(period)s.')
 122     raise Errors.RejectMessage, rmsg
 126 def drop_old(posts, now):
 127     new_posts = []
 128     for post in posts:
 129         if PERIOD > 0:
 130             if post + (PERIOD * 3600) > now:
 131                 new_posts.append(post)
 132         else:
 133             if (time.localtime(post)[7] == time.localtime(now)[7] and
 134                     time.localtime(post)[0] == time.localtime(now)[0]):
 135                 new_posts.append(post)
 136     return new_posts

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