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Revision 2 as of 2010-03-27 07:23:37
Size: 1554
Editor: f@state-of-mind
Revision 3 as of 2010-03-27 07:26:11
Size: 1543
Editor: f@state-of-mind
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== Next steps ==
Features to be implemented first:
== h2. Features to be implemented first ==

Web UI - Status

This page should serve as a place to update everyone with the current state of development on the Mailman web UI, but also to discuss the progress and/or decisions being made while developing.

Web Framework

For now we have decided on using Django as the web framework for the UI.

Django distincts between projects and applications (a project being a website or a set of applications). One advantage of that is the possibility to make a django app reusable in other django projects/websites. Ideally people should be able to choose to either install the web ui as a stand-alone django project or to integrate the mailmanweb app into their existing django website.

REST Communication

The web UI communicates with Mailman over the REST server included in MM3. The request methods to acces the server are placed in a separate REST client module which will be used by the web ui. The idea is to make it really easy for other Python programs to import the module and talk to Mailman.

Test Server

A test server with a basic setup of the web UI is currently being set up.

h2. Features to be implemented first

  1. Ability for users to subscribe, manage subscriptions, unsubscribe, change emails
  2. Admin ability to create/delete lists via pre-defined styles
  3. Users ability to customize their subscirptions
  4. Moderation
  5. Aite admin ability to create domains, add and modify styles
  6. List admin ability to customize lists

MailmanWiki: DEV/Web Interface Status (last edited 2015-01-12 00:15:05 by SumanaHarihareswara)