Differences between revisions 11 and 12
Revision 11 as of 2017-02-19 08:23:36
Size: 4006
Editor: MriyamTamuli
Revision 12 as of 2017-02-19 10:11:11
Size: 4006
Editor: terri
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$ source venv2/bin/activate $ source venv3/bin/activate

How to setup your dev environment

First you need to decide which projects you want to develop. You will most likely always need mailman-core and mailmanclient.

After that you can choose if you want to stick to the core, or you want to also develop django projects. There is Postorius - Management Interface and HyperKitty - Mailman Archiver. These also require Django Mailman3 - common Django for Postorius and HyperKitty. The core also requires the HyperKitty - Mailman plugin to communicate with HyperKitty.

Note that this guide assumes you read the git instructions and set up your Gitlab account properly.

If you want to contribute to Mailman, you should clone your own forks. You will have to change the urls shown below accordingly.

This guide assumes that you are setting everything in the directory created below:

$ mkdir -p ~/dev/mailman

And that you have two virtualenvs:

$ cd ~/dev/mailman
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv3
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2 venv2

Mailman Core

Detailed instructions can be found at readthedocs.org.

$ cd ~/dev/mailman
$ git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/mailman.git
$ source venv3/bin/activate
$ cd mailman
$ python setup.py develop
$ deactivate

Mailman Client

Detailed instructions can be found at readthedocs.org.

$ cd ~/dev/mailman
$ git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/mailmanclient.git
$ source venv2/bin/activate
$ cd mailmanclient
$ python setup.py develop
$ deactivate

Django Mailman3

Django libraries and templates used by Postorius and HyperKitty.

$ cd ~/dev/mailman
$ git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/django-mailman3.git
$ source venv2/bin/activate
$ cd django-mailman3
$ python setup.py develop
$ deactivate


Detailed instructions can be found at readthedocs.org.

Make sure to install mailmanclient and django-mailman3 first!

$ cd ~/dev/mailman
$ git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/postorius.git
$ source venv2/bin/activate
$ cd postorius
$ python setup.py develop
$ deactivate


Detailed instructions can be found at readthedocs.org.

Make sure to install mailmanclient and django-mailman3 first!

$ cd ~/dev/mailman
$ git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/hyperkitty.git
$ source venv2/bin/activate
$ cd hyperkitty
$ python setup.py develop
$ deactivate

HyperKitty - Mailman plugin

$ cd ~/dev/mailman
$ git clone git@gitlab.com:mailman/mailman-hyperkitty.git
$ source venv3/bin/activate
$ cd mailman-hyperkitty
$ python setup.py develop
$ deactivate

Django projects

Postorius and Hyperkitty both include example django projects which can be found in  ./example_project/ . They can be used to run the projects using the builtin django development server. The included settings are the recommended settings that should be used to deploy the projects. For production systems, you should use a full fledged web server such as Apache, gunicorn, uwsgi, ...

Before you can run either of these projects, you need mailman running. If you followed the above steps, you can start mailman by running -

$ cd ~/dev/mailman
$ source venv3/bin/activate
$ mailman start 

To run either of the django projects

$ cd ~/dev/mailman
$ source venv2/bin/activate
$ cd postorius/example_project
# After the first time, migrate is a no-op unless the Postorius DB schema changes.
$ python manage.py migrate
# You only need to createsuperuser once.
$ python manage.py createsuperuser
$ python manage.py runserver

Hyperkitty is setup the same way as Postorius (but in hyperkitty/example_project).

MailmanWiki: DEV/SetupDevEnvironment (last edited 2018-05-14 15:15:45 by terri)