Revision 22 as of 2013-10-05 13:14:00

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This is a quick guide to setup a development environment to work on Postorius, Mailman 3's web ui. If all goes as planned, you should be done within ~5 minutes. This has been tested on Ubuntu 11.04 and OS X 10.8.1.  Please note that the Python provided by apple for OSX will not work; you need to install your own version of python (e.g. using fink or macports). The Mac Mailman development setup guide has instructions using homebrew if you need additional instructions.

Set up your environment

Install the essentials

$ sudo apt-get install bzr python-setuptools python-dev build-essential

Get the sources

(postorius)$ bzr branch lp:mailman
(postorius)$ bzr branch lp:mailman.client
(postorius)$ bzr branch lp:postorius
(postorius)$ bzr branch lp:~mailman-coders/postorius/postorius_standalone

If you get permission errors on this step, your ssh key is probably not in sync with what is on

Install Django

(postorius)$ pip install django
(postorius)$ pip install django-social-auth

Set up sources

GNU Mailman 3

(postorius)$ cd mailman 
(postorius)$ python install
(postorius)$ bin/buildout
(postorius)$ bin/test

If you get no errors you can now start Mailman:

(postorius)$ bin/mailman start
(postorius)$ cd ..

At this point Mailman will not send nor receive any real emails. But that's fine as long as you only want to work on the components related to the ReST client or the web ui.

mailman.client (the Python bindings for Mailman's ReST API)

(postorius)$ cd mailman.client
(postorius)$ python develop
(postorius)$ cd ..


(postorius)$ cd postorius
(postorius)$ python develop
(postorius)$ cd ..

Start the development server

(postorius)$ cd postorius_standalone
(postorius)$ python syncdb
(postorius)$ python runserver


Now go to http://localhost:8000 to see the web UI for mailman!


Máirín Duffy

It looks like was removed in late July, marked as obsolete. I followed these instructions to get mailman and postorious running, except I replaced the step with the following:

virtualenv --system-site-packages /path/to/your/installation
$ source /path/to/your/installation/bin/activate
$ python install

Now, if you get weird errors, remove the --system-site-packages from your virtualenv and try again. I guess depending on how your system is setup, it may or may not work with that option.

Máirín Duffy

I wrote up a guide on how to get hyperkitty up and running for development, and it includes the full modified steps I ran based on this document to get mailman 3 working. That guide is here:
