Differences between revisions 5 and 8 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2012-01-16 22:03:47
Size: 3479
Editor: terri
Comment: A note in case anyone has the same problem I did.
Revision 8 as of 2012-01-23 09:37:46
Size: 3194
Editor: benste
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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#pragma page-filename DEV/versions/13304018 #pragma page-filename DEV/versions/13304052
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$ (sudo) python setup.py develop $ sudo python setup.py develop
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$ python setup.py install $ sudo python setup.py install
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== mailman-django == == mailman_django ==
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We're currently transitioning the code from the branches we used for GSoC to the 'official' web ui location on launchpad to continue the work there. For now the latest working code can be found here (this will change within the next days...):
Line 63: Line 61:
$ bzr branch lp:~flo-fuchs/mailmanwebgsoc2011/transition $ bzr branch lp:mailmanweb
Line 69: Line 67:
$ cd transition
$ (sudo) python setup.py develop
$ cd mailmanweb
$ sudo python setup.py develop

This is a quick guide to setup a development environment to work on Mailman 3's web ui. If all goes as planned, you should be done within ~5 minutes. This has been tested on Ubuntu 11.04.

In order to download the components necessary you need to have the Bazaar VCS installed on your system. Mailman and mailman.client need at least Python version 2.6.

GNU Mailman 3

First download the latest revision of Mailman 3 from launchpad.

$ bzr branch lp:mailman

Install and test:

$ cd mailman 
$ python bootstrap.py
$ bin/buildout
$ bin/test

If you get no errors you can now start Mailman:

$ bin/mailman start
$ cd ..

At this point Mailman will not send nor receive any real emails. But that's fine as long as you only want to work on the components related to the ReST client or the web ui.

mailman.client (the Python bindings for Mailman's ReST API)

Download from launchpad:

$ bzr branch lp:mailman.client

Install in development mode to be able to change the code without working directly on the PYTHONPATH.

$ cd mailman.client
$ sudo python setup.py develop
$ cd ..

Django >= 1.3

The web ui is a pluggable Django application. Therefore you need to have Django (at least version 1.3) installed.

$ wget http://www.djangoproject.com/download/1.3.1/tarball/ -O Django-1.3.1.tar.gz
$ tar xzf Django-1.3.1.tar.gz
$ cd Django-1.3.1
$ sudo python setup.py install
$ cd ..


This Django app contains the code for the web ui. Thanks go out to Anna Granudd and Benedict Stein who started this app as part of their Google Summer of Code projects in 2010 and 2011!

$ bzr branch lp:mailmanweb

Install it, also in development mode:

$ cd mailmanweb
$ sudo python setup.py develop
$ cd ..

Setup a simple Django project to host the web ui

The last thing you need to set up is a Django site to host the web ui application. This sample project contains all necessary settings to get the application up and running using Django's development server:

$ bzr branch lp:~flo-fuchs/mailmanweb/django_dev_setup

Now change to the branch dir, let Django create a db file and start the dev server:

$ cd django_dev_setup
$ python manage.py syncdb
$ python manage.py runserver

Now direct your browser to: http://localhost:8000

Logging in

Authentication against the ReST API is not yet implemented, but there's a dummy AuthBackend in mailman-django that mimics auth behaviour. To login use the credentials hard-coded in:


A note for MacOS X users and others running python 2.7

On an OS X 10.7 (Lion) system, these steps needed to be modified to use python2.6 instead of python, as the scripts do not currently work with python 2.7 for some reason. Your mileage may vary.


Máirín Duffy

It looks like bootstrap.py was removed in late July, marked as obsolete. I followed these instructions to get mailman and postorious running, except I replaced the bootstrap.py step with the following:

virtualenv --system-site-packages /path/to/your/installation
$ source /path/to/your/installation/bin/activate
$ python setup.py install

Now, if you get weird errors, remove the --system-site-packages from your virtualenv and try again. I guess depending on how your system is setup, it may or may not work with that option.

Máirín Duffy

I wrote up a guide on how to get hyperkitty up and running for development, and it includes the full modified steps I ran based on this document to get mailman 3 working. That guide is here:



MailmanWiki: DEV/A 5 minute guide to get the Mailman web UI running (last edited 2018-04-20 06:16:05 by maxking)