
2.5. How do I set member options via email?

In just the same way as you can subscribe and unsubscribe from a mailman list by sending (for example) an email to: <> with the subject line: unsubscribe <password>, I was under the impression that you can suspend delivery of list emails by sending an email to the same address with subject line: set delivery off <password>

Is that not correct? If it IS correct, then why is it not working?

Setting member options via e-mail requires that the user be authenticated by a separate command prior to the set commands. E.g the above is done by

 set authenticate <password> [address=<address>]
 set delivery off

Since it is more than one command, at most, the first command can be in the message subject, the rest need to be in the message body.

The command

 set help

which doesn't require authentication can be used to get the list of set commands and their syntax.

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MailmanWiki: DOC/How do I set member options via email? (last edited 2015-01-31 02:36:58 by msapiro)