
4.49. How do I enable automatic alias generation with sendmail?

Question: When you use Mailman with the postfix MTA, there are some nice additional tools to automate the generation of the aliases that are required, when you create a new mailing list. Can you do the same with Sendmail?

Answer: Yes. There is the mm-handler method described in the official Mailman Installation documentation at, but not everyone wants to go that shared system-wide route. As one alternative, Ed Greenberg posted a message to the mailman-users mailing list on using the same technique for integration with sendmail as is currently used in integrating with postfix. See for details.

Hopefully we'll be able to convince him to upload this patch to SourceForge and get this incorporated into a future version of Mailman.

Tony Lembke has posted some even more detailed instructions at also now in this FAQ.

Geoff Allen has posted a different approach that uses cron to run Mailman's genaliases and put the result in a sendmail alias file. See Note that the following line was wrapped in the original post. It should be all one line as here.

 /usr/lib/mailman/bin/genaliases | sed -n '5,$p' >/etc/mail/mailman-aliases

Converted from the Mailman FAQ Wizard

This is one of many Frequently Asked Questions.

MailmanWiki: DOC/4.49 How do I enable automatic alias generation with sendmail? (last edited 2015-02-16 00:46:34 by JimTittsler)