4.38. How to change some configuration for ALL lists?
Q: I am the site administrator and I'd like to change the configuration of ALL existing lists. How to do that?
A: Use /usr/lib/mailman/bin/config_list
Here's an example:
1. Login your shell 2. Create a file (/path/to/configfile) and add your configuration *) 3. Change the configuration using this shell script: for i in $(/usr/lib/mailman/bin/list_lists -b) ; do /usr/lib/mailman/bin/config_list -i /path/to/configfile $i ; done
If you only want to change some lists but not all, replace the
for i in $(/usr/lib/mailman/bin/list_lists -b)
in the above script with for example
for i in list1 list2 list3
To check for errors before doing the changes, you can simulate your changes using the -c flag. see:
config_list --help
*) Annotations for configfile:
- Only use lower case directives!
- Use 0 or 1 for boolean variables
- You can add as few or as many directives as you like
- To get an example of a list's configuration, type
/usr/lib/mailman/bin/config_list -o - [list_name]
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