
4.31. How do I remove a list via the web or command line?

To delete a list via the web interface you must set the variable OWNERS_CAN_DELETE_THEIR_OWN_LISTS to yes in the file. It is no by default. See for more info on what the variable does.

If you tried to remove a list via the web interface and were told "You're being a sneaky list owner!" you have the variable set to No.

See the python source file in your mailman source tree under ./Mailman/Cgi/ to better understand this whole process.

To remove a list via the command line, use Mailman's bin/rmlist tool. See

 bin/rmlist --help

Or you can simply remove the lists/<listname> directory and if desired, the archives/private/<listname>* directories and archives/public/<listname>* symlinks if any.

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MailmanWiki: DOC/4.31 How do I remove a list via the web or command line? (last edited 2015-01-31 02:36:58 by msapiro)