
Ethan Fremen worked on Mailman for his Summer of Code Project. The project aimed to use web standards, kid and mod_python to deliver a superior HTTP user experience with enhanced internationalization.


Technical Plan


I've had to move away from the incremental approach and towards a reimplementation. I'm still working strictly from the existing implementation for feature-set, but because of the templating situation, I'll get there faster if I re-write the templates.

The decision to move to mod_python is based on the need for feed handlers that can maintain a semi-persistent cache and because I get access to Apache's internals. The existing CGI interface will be untouched, with the idea that eventually a wrapper will be found/written that provides backwards compatibility.

Campaign monitor is an interesting example of what people who run list-like things want from their webui

Existing templating situation


"a plan is just a list of things that never happen" - Benecio del Torro in The Way of the Gun

MailmanWiki: DEV/Google_Summer_of_Code_2006 (last edited 2015-03-04 04:35:49 by msapiro)