#pragma page-filename DOC/versions/4030561 == 3.41. What variables can I use in the headers and footers added to messages by Mailman? == real_name:: This is the value of the real_name configuration variable in the General options category. list_name:: This is the canonical name of the mailing list. In other words it's the posting address of the list. Note: For backward compatibility, the variable '''_internal_name''' is equivalent. host_name:: This is the domain name part of the email address for this list. web_page_url:: This is the base url for contacting the list via the web. It can be appended with listinfo%(list_name)s to yield the general list information page for the mailing list. description:: The brief description of the mailing list. info:: This is the full description of the mailing list. cgiext:: This is the extension added to CGI scripts. It might be the empty string, .cgi, or something else depending on how your site is configured. ---- Each of these is used in the form %(fieldname) where fieldname is one of the names given above. For example, the simple footer that gives the mailing list name, the posting address, and the listinfo address is as follows: {{{ _______________________________________________ %(real_name)s mailing list %(real_name)s@%(host_name)s %(web_page_url)slistinfo%(cgiext)s/%(_internal_name)s }}} Converted from the Mailman FAQ Wizard This is one of many [[../Frequently Asked Questions|Frequently Asked Questions]].