#pragma page-filename DOC/versions/4030687 == 3.28. What are all the "special" email addresses used for a list == foo-request {{{ Users send commands to this address to subscribe, get help, or perform other functions on the list 'foo'. An email with the word "help" in the body will result in a response with all available commands. }}} foo-subscribe (synonym: foo-join) {{{ Users send a blank email to subscribe to the 'foo' list. The user must then reply to the confirmation message (see 'foo-confirm' below) to complete the task. }}} foo-unsubscribe (synonym: foo-leave) {{{ Users send a blank email to unsubscribe from the 'foo' list. The user must then reply to the confirmation message (see 'foo-confirm') to complete the task. }}} foo-owner {{{ See FAQ 3.27 }}} foo-bounces (synonym: foo-admin) {{{ These are used by Mailman for the recipient of bounced 'foo' list messages ('foo-admin' is obsolete but retained for backward compatibility). See FAQ 3.27 }}} foo-confirm {{{ This is the recipient for confirmation messages sent by 'foo' list members. }}} Are there any others? owner-foo {{{ This forwards to foo-owner in version 2.1.9.cp2. Needs confirmation. }}} Converted from the Mailman FAQ Wizard This is one of many [[../Frequently Asked Questions|Frequently Asked Questions]].