#pragma page-filename DOC/versions/3047431 This method uses a 'Postfix' workaround. See also [[../Integrating Mailman with Sendmail - Method 1|Integrating Mailman with Sendmail - Method 1]] which uses mm-handler. ==  Introduction == To be read in conjunction with the mailman installation instructions at<
> <[[http://www.list.org/mailman-install/index.html|http://www.list.org/mailman-install/index.html]]><
> and the post by Ed Greenberg at<
> <[[http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2004-June/037518.html|http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2004-June/037518.html]]><
> == Step 1 - Installation requirements == I'm using Apache2, Mailman 2.19 and FreeBSD4 and Python 2.4 == Step 2 - Set Up Your System == As root {{{ #adduser }}} I used -> user: mailman, group:mailman, password: n == Step 3 - Build and Install Mailman == create Installation Directory (as root) {{{ su# cd /usr/local/ su# mkdir mailman su# chown mailman mailman su# su mailman su# cd mailman su# chgrp mailnull . su# chmod a+rx,g+ws . }}} Now, go to the directory where you have downloaded mailman {{{ su# cd /usr/home/xxxxx/mailman-2.1.9 }}} Change back to user root {{{ su# su root }}} You can ascertain the correct option for --with-mail-gid from /etc/<
> mail/sendmail.cf {{{ su# grep "DefaultUser" /etc/mail/sendmail.cf => #O DefaultUser=mailnull So use mailnull su# su root su# make clean su# configure \--with-mail-gid=mailnull }}} I'm on FreeBSD so use this command {{{ su# make DIRSETGID=: install }}} Now check permissions {{{ su# cd /usr/local/mailman su# bin/check_perms \-f }}} My webserver runs as nobody (check httpd.conf on your system to confirm) {{{ su# grep "User " /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf => User nobody su# cd archives su# chown nobody private su# chmod o-x private }}} == Step 4 - Check your installation == {{{ su# cd /usr/local/mailman su# bin/check_perms \-f }}} == Step 5 - Set up your webserver == Add this to your httpd-vhosts.conf, or httpd.conf depending on which <
> version of Apache you are using {{{ ServerName lists.practiceimprovement.com.au TransferLog /dev/null DocumentRoot /usr/home/lists/htdocs/ ScriptAlias /mailman/ /usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin/ Alias   /pipermail/ /usr/local/mailman/archives/public/ }}} and restart apache == Step 6 - Integrating sendmail and mailman == Integrating sendmail and mailman mm-handler would not work for me (after considerable amount of time trying) - I think because by server was medicine.net.au and the address I wanted to use was practiceimprovement.org.au, even though practiceimprovement.org.au was correctly set up on dns to be delegated to the right server. So I used Ed Greenberg's clever approach at<
> <[[http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2004-June/037518.html|http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2004-June/037518.html]]><
> which seems better to me anyway. '''Note: On Freebsd I first had to build sudo!''' create the file /usr/sbin/mailman.aliases {{{ su# pico /usr/bin/mailman.aliases }}} containing the lines below => {{{ /bin/cp /usr/local/mailman/data/aliases /etc/mail/mailman.aliases /usr/bin/newaliases }}} Note: I spent a lot of time bug testing as I used 'cp' in the <
> mailman.aliases script rather than /bin/cp<
> (it worked from the command line but not the web interface) make it executable {{{ su# chmod 755 /usr/sbin/mailman.aliases }}} Change your sendmail.cf file to include the new alias file<
> (for me, add this to medicine.net.au.mc)<
> define(`ALIAS_FILE', `/etc/mail/aliases,/etc/mail/mailman.aliases')<
> (and then as root) {{{ su# /etc/mail/make install restart }}} Update your sudoers file ('nobody' is the user apache runs under - <
> check your httpd.conf) {{{ su# visudo add=> nobody ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/local/sbin/mailman.aliases mailman ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/local/sbin/mailman.aliases }}} Also, if you have {{{ Defaults requiretty }}} in the sudoers file, you need to remove or comment it. == Step 7 - Review your site defaults == my mm_cfg.py has these added {{{ DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'practiceimprovement.com.au' DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'lists.practiceimprovement.com.au' DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'http://%s/mailman/' add_virtualhost(DEFAULT_URL_HOST, DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST) IMAGE_LOGOS = '/images/' MTA='Postfix' POSTFIX_ALIAS_CMD = '/usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/local/sbin/ mailman.aliases' POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS = \[\] }}} == Steps 8 - 15  == <
> Follow the rest of the instructions from step 8 on at -><
> <[[http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/mailman-install/index.html|http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/mailman-install/index.html]]> == Testing == When you create a list using /bin/newlist, you should find that the file /etc/mail/mailman.aliases has been created / updated.<
> (I had some permissions to sort out in a few directories before it all worked smoothly)<
> The error log is helpful at /usr/local/mailman/logs/error These commands can be helpful for troubleshooting, after you have successfully created a testlist and subscribed yourself to that list To test mailman {{{ su# echo "From: tony@pi.com.au To: testlist@pi.com.au Subject: Happy New Year test mail body " \| /usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post testlist }}} If that works, use this to test your sendmail/mailman integration {{{ su# echo "From: tony@pi.com.au To: testlist@pi.com.au Subject: Merry Xmas test mail body " \| /bin/sendmail \-tony@pi.com.au testlist@pi.com.au }}} Hope this helps someone and would welcome corrections or improvements.<