== How do I upgrade a RHEL/CentOS Mailman package from source. == Note: If you try this and have issues, follow-up on the mailman-users@python.org list [[https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/mailman-users.python.org/]]. [[https://wiki.list.org/DOC/RHEL%20file%20changes%20after%20version%202.1.5-20|Another article]] discusses !RedHat's changes to Mailman to make it conformant with FHS. It includes information about where various files have been relocated to and links to a `Mailman-Developers@python.org` post that discusses the motivations for this and contains a patch to implement the changes. Unfortunately, the patch is against a very old base, and detailed instructions are lacking. This article is an attempt to remedy that. The RHEL patch, updated for MM 2.1.34+ is [[attachment:mailman-FHS.patch|here]]. To actually do the upgrade, several steps are required. 1. Download and unpack the 2.1.34+ tarball into a directory, or get it with {{{ bzr branch lp:mailman }}} 1. Download the [[attachment:mailman-FHS.patch|patch|&do=get]]. 1. In the download directory, apply the patch with {{{ patch -p0