#pragma page-filename DOC/versions/11960323 == How do I preserve HTML formatting while filtering other content? == If you want to filter content with Mailman's content filtering, but preserve HTML message formatting, there are a few things you must do. You must ensure that MIME type text/html is not removed. The normal way to do this is to put `text/html` in pass_mime_types along with your other settings. Adding this to the distributed defaults results in {{{ multipart/mixed multipart/alternative text/plain text/html }}} however, since there are other multipart sub-types that are commonly used such as `multipart/related`, a better option is {{{ multipart text/plain text/html }}} The above will allow `text/html` and `text/plain` parts to remain in the messages after the initial filtering. You may also want to allow those parts to remain if they are sub-parts of an attached forwarded message `message/rfc822` part, and you may want to allow PGP signatures `application/pgp-signature` resulting in pass_mime_types containing {{{ multipart message/rfc822 text/plain text/html application/pgp-signature }}} The above will allow `text/html` parts to remain after initial filtering, but in order that they pass the remaining steps unchanged, you must set {{{ Should Mailman collapse multipart/alternative to its first part content? (Edit collapse_alternatives) }}} to `No` so that a `text/html` alternative part is not removed in favor of a `text/plain` alternative, and {{{ Should Mailman convert text/html parts to plain text? This conversion happens after MIME attachments have been stripped. (Edit convert_html_to_plaintext) }}} to `No` for the obvious reason. Also, The list's `Non-digest options -> scrub_nondigest` setting must be `No` or the HTML part(s) will be stored aside and replaced in delivered messages by brief notes with the URL of the removed part.