#pragma page-filename DEV/versions/4816959 This page describes how to get started trying the RESTful webservice server for mailman. The code is at [[https://code.launchpad.net/~mk2s/mailman/restserver|https://code.launchpad.net/~mk2s/mailman/restserver]] The following is on a clean install of FC9.  If not on FC9 then most of this will probably be the same; you may need to figure out where easy_install comes from. Python 2.5.1 and Postfix already installed setuptools was also already installed as rpm python-setuptools-0.6c8-1.fc9.noarch but I needed to install pyhon-setuptools-devel as root I installed * bzr (not bazaar) as myself installed(these packages could be installed by root, if installing as yourself see this [[http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall#administrator-installation|http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall#administrator-installation]]) * Routes  using easy_insatll Routes * simplejson using easy_install simplejson * Mako templates using easy_install Mako # checkout source [mk2s@fc9 ~]$ bzr checkout [[https://code.launchpad.net/~mk2s/mailman/restserver|https://code.launchpad.net/~mk2s/mailman/restserver]]<
> [mk2s@fc9 ~]$ cd restserver <
> Then as myself(mk2s) I ran configure and make [mk2s@fc9 ~/restserver]$  mkdir ~/mailman-runtime [mk2s@fc9 ~/restserver]$ ./configure --with-username=$USER --with-groupname=$USER  --prefix=$HOME/mailman-runtime --without-permcheck [mk2s@fc9 ~/restserver]$ make install # once the build and install is complete [mk2s@fc9 ~/restserver]$ cd $HOME/mailman-runtime # start the rest server [mk2s@fc9 ~/mailman-runtime]$ PYTHONPATH=. python Mailman/rest/server.py # from a different shell make a request [mk2s@fc9 ~]$ lynx [[http://localhost:8000/|http://localhost:8000/]] and so on <