#acl andybuckley:read,write,delete,revert All:read
#pragma comment-owner andybuckley
#pragma page-filename DEV/versions/163936
Lazily copied from my email to the list for reference <
Can I request that if the templates are being re-written some attention should
> be paid to the idea of making Mailman embeddable within a parent site's HTML<
> framework and styles. For example, I run a system called !HepForge where several<
> types of web technology are hidden behind Apache and the page headers and<
> footers, including CSS imports, are added by Apache output filters. A<
> significant amount of work is required to edit Trac and Mailman templates to<
> make them work with this sort of system - see<
> [[http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/4264|http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/4264]] for a bit more detail on the issues with Trac.
In particular, it would be really nice if
* the bits of the template which define
, etc. are defined in one<
> pair of header and footer files, so they can be turned off easily.
* the proposed Mailman CSS files "namespace" everything by placing all Mailman<
> content within a div, e.g. ...
and then prefix all CSS<
> rules with "#mailman" - this stops the Mailman styles from leaking out into the<
> parent page elements.
Sorry to dwell on implementation specifics at this stage, but it's an issue<
> that's often ignored but is actually pretty important. I can add this to the<
> wiki if it's relevant?<
Genshi has been mentioned a few times. My impression was that it insists on<
> producing valid XML output, which is nice, but doesn't necessarily play well<
> with ideas like factorisable head/foot portions. Also, can it be used for<
> templating the automated email messages, i.e. plain text? I'm not speaking from<
> exceptional familiarity with Genshi here, but these suspicions made me use<
> Cheetah in place of Genshi for one of our projects... can anyone confirm/refute?