#acl barry:read,write,delete,revert All:read #pragma comment-owner barry #pragma page-filename DEV/versions/163898 Certainly, nothing's set in stone yet, but I have a couple of strong preferences: * One templating system to rule them all. IOW, we use the same templating system for the web u/i as we do for the archiver * '''Must''' be i18n-friendly, which basically means (I think), we need to have markup to indicate translatable strings, we need a script to extract those strings into gettext format, and we need to be able to do translation as we generate the final html. * I like $-strings because I think they're the easiest for translators to deal with. I'm not fond of %-strings, and [[http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3101/|PEP 3101]] strings probably aren't feasible.