#pragma page-filename DEV/versions/8683607 {{{#!wiki warning This page contains historical content The logo contest was completed in March of 2010, and a [[http://www.list.org/otherstuff.html|new logo]] was chosen from among many excellent entries. This page is for historical purposes only, and editing is closed. See also [[../NewLogo|this page]]. }}} = New logos = Our current logos are fairly old and in some cases difficult to read because of their fuzziness. OTOH, I like that it invokes old-timey (US?) postmarks. With new versions of Mailman in the works, perhaps it's time to start soliciting new project logos. == Criteria == 1. It must set itself apart from other, especially mail related logos 1. It must be eye-catching 1. It must adhere [[http://www.w3.org/WAI/|Web Accessibility Guidlines]], especially: 1. logo must provide high color contrast 1. logo must not be animated 1. logo must not work against [[http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/PWD-Use-Web/#colorblindness|color blind]] people 1. Logo size requirements 1. Must "work" as small Icon on a users desktop or in the browser URL pane (favicon) 1. Must "work" in regular size on a webpage 1. Must "work" in large size on a poster 1. Logo must integrate well be it displayed either on portrait or landscape orientation 1. Logo must be a vector graphic 1. Logo must "work" in print and web 1. Logo should show some relation to old logo design == Submission process == 1. The winning logo must be donated to the Free Software Foundation, although proper credit will always be given to the original artist. == Voting == TBD