#acl barry:read,write,delete,revert All:read #pragma comment-owner barry #pragma page-filename DEV/versions/163897 Good stuff Andrew, here are a couple of other thoughts: * imap access to the archives, readonly for most people, write access for admins * "send me this message" link so that if you're reading an article in the archive, you can click this link to get a real copy sent to you. may not be as important w/nntp or imap access. perhaps integrate with an email comment (i.e. 'send message-id') * we talked about perhaps have a tinyurl-like alternative access to the message (though this probably isn't the definitive url) * integration w/digester so we can have new kind of "summary-with-links" digest * if we use the original message's message-id, we need to have a policy for dealing w/collisions