#acl ges@wingfoot.org:read,write,delete,revert All:read #pragma comment-owner ges@wingfoot.org #pragma page-filename DEV/versions/182 I'd like to suggest that, since we have the code for sending out monthly mailings, instead of trashing it, we alter it, so that mailing list owners can have the option of having a monthly mailer--reminders of list rules, how to unsubscribe/propose new members, stuff like that. This is what YahooGroups/eGroups/etc have been doing since their beginnings, and yes, I understand that Mailman isn't YG/eG/etc, however... This has to be the biggest feature, IMHO, that I've missed in Mailman. Just a box, in the General page, so the owner can put in the text that gets mailed out. Make it a "Do you want a monthly mailing?" option or something--but I think this functionality could win over a lot more people to Mailman's charms. Anywho.. that's my idea--What do you think? Best,<
> --Glenn