#pragma page-filename DEV/versions/8683611 GNU Mailman's development is [[http://launchpad.net/mailman|hosted on Launchpad]] and now [[http://launchpad.net|Launchpad]] itself is officially and fully [[http://www.ubuntu.com/news/canonical-open-sources-launchpad/|free software]]. While it was previously announced that two components would be held back, we ([[http://www.canonical.com|Canonical]]) changed our minds! Everything is licensed under the [[http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html|GNU Affero General Public License version 3]]. This is significant for Mailman for two reasons. First, we are a GNU project so it's personally satisfying that our development is now hosted on free software and to know that now I work only on free and open software, both for pay and for not. Second, [[https://help.launchpad.net/Teams/MailingLists|Launchpad's mailing lists]] are run by GNU Mailman so there are interesting integration issues involved. Some of the earliest design decisions about this integration strategy were driven by the need two and a half years ago, to keep a bright line between Mailman and Launchpad. That's gone now so the implementation of this can be reconsidered (although "if it works, don't fix it" applies here). I invite you to join us in the public forums to talk about Launchpad, Mailman, or both.