#pragma page-filename DEV/versions/13304038 = Google Summer of Code 2012 = Mailman is hoping to be participating in the Google Summer of Code for the year 2012, probably under the banner of the Python Software Foundation, who were a wonderful umbrella organization to work with last year. This page is intended to group together all efforts related to the 2012 projects. == List of Projects == More ideas welcome – feel free to add ideas, or students can get in touch with us via mailman-developers@python.org to refine ideas and get help with their proposals. Specific projects: * Scripts for migrating lists from Mailman 2.1 to Mailman 3 (including archives?) * Integration of (existing) search code into Mailman archives ([[https://code.launchpad.net/~systers-dev/systers/mailocate|existing search code]]) * Investigate [[https://launchpad.net/grackle|Grackle]] as a new framework for the archiver. * NNTP access to the archives (a la Gmane) * Metrics * Collecting list metrics (when was the last thing posted, how many messages per month, how busy the list is, etc.) * Reporting via a pluggable dashboard * Mailman widgets (e.g. display of recent posts, embeddable list subscribe widget) * List styles (e.g. announcement list, anonymous list) plumbed through the ui and REST API. * Make it easier to report bugs – make a system that detects posts that are likely about bugs and searches, makes an easy link for reporting a bug using the text of the message, etc. * Build something to attach anti-spam stuff into the filter chains * Examine the interfaces (web interface, archives) and organize and build consistent CSS styles for the web UI More nebulous project areas of interest: * Further work on the Mailman 3 UI * Working archives for Mailman 3 (Link to the [[https://code.launchpad.net/~systers-dev/systers/archive-ui|Older GSoC code]]) * ZeroMQ/message bus * OAuth/authenticated/permissions REST proxy for intarwebs consumption. * Take a look at [[http://blog.linuxgrrl.com/2012/03/13/mailman-brainstorm/|http://blog.linuxgrrl.com/2012/03/13/mailman-brainstorm/]] and implement one or more of those ideas * Take a look at [[http://blog.linuxgrrl.com/2012/03/14/mailman-brainstorm-2/|http://blog.linuxgrrl.com/2012/03/14/mailman-brainstorm-2/]] for 16 more ideas, implement one or more of them == List of Mentors == Please contact us on the Mailman-developers list if you're interested in becoming a mentor! * Terri Oda * Florian Fuchs * Barry Warsaw == List of Potential Students == Please contact us on the Mailman-developers list if you're interested in becoming a student! Getting in touch early lets us help you with your application and increases your likelihood of being accepted. * [[http://wiki.list.org/display/~syst3mw0rm|Aamir Khan]] * Shayan == Getting started == The fastest way to get set up is to follow [[../A 5 minute guide to get the Mailman web UI running|A 5 minute guide to get the Mailman web UI running]]. Please let us know if you have any trouble with it!