#acl msapiro:read,write,delete,revert All:read #pragma comment-owner msapiro #pragma page-filename COM/versions/4816931 I'd really rather do this on mailman-users, but ... "After applying the sitelist.cfg options, be sure you review the site list's configuration via the admin pages." <
> Huh?? What admin pages? Where ARE they? How do I access them? The normal mailing list defaults are not appropriate for the site list so we provide data/sitelist.cfg which is intended to be used as {{{ bin/config_list -i data/sitelist.cfg mailman }}} You set up your web server at step 5. The admin pages are at `http://example.com/mailman/admin/mailman`. Incidentally, I also wasted a couple of hours today trying to dope out how to export or download or capture 5 years of historical mailman messages in this client's existing mailman 2.1.10 archives from their Dreamhost server and convert them to my dedicated Linux server when the client doesn't have shell level access on the Dreamhost side. If the client asks nicely, Dreamhost may give the client the archives/private/listname.mbox/listname.mbox file which is the cumulative mbox containing all list posts that you can use as input to bin/arch on your site to rebuild the HTML archive. Actually, the client or you may be able to download it from the web site via a URL like `http://dreamhost.example.com/mailman/private/listname.mbox/listname.mbox`. In order for this to work, you have to first go to `http://dreamhost.example.com/mailman/private/listname` and log in, even if it's a public archive. If you can't get the listname.mbox file, all you can do is crawl the existing archive web site, but this only gives you the HTML pages.