#pragma page-filename DOC/versions/8487006 The Integration of Mailman and [[http://www.lighttpd.net/|lighttpd]] is very easy. The following configuration-snippet shows you how: {{{ server.modules += ("mod_redirect", "mod_alias", "mod_cgi", "mod_accesslog") $HTTP["host"] == "lists.example.com" { var.host = "lists.example.com" var.docpath = "/usr/local/mailman/" var.logpath = "/var/log/www/" server.document-root = docpath + "cgi-bin/" accesslog.filename = logpath + host + "-access-log" url.redirect = ( "^/$" => "/listinfo" ) alias.url = ( "/icons/" => docpath + "icons/", "/pipermail/" => docpath + "archives/" ) cgi.assign = ( "/admin" => "", "/admindb" => "", "/confirm" => "", "/create" => "", "/edithtml" => "", "/listinfo" => "", "/options" => "", "/private" => "", "/rmlist" => "", "/roster" => "", "/subscribe" => "") } }}} If you want to access the webinterface only over a secure HTTPS-Connection (good for Password-Protection), you have to [[http://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/lighttpd/wiki/Docs:SSL|enable SSL-Support]] and add something like the following snippet to your configuration: {{{ server.modules += ("mod_redirect") $SERVER["socket"] == ":80" { $HTTP["host"] == "lists.example.com" { url.redirect = ( "^/(.*)" => "https://lists.example.com/$1" ) server.name = "lists.example.com" } } }}}