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2.8. Help! I use Gmail/Googlemail, but I can't tell if any of my messages have been posted to the list!

Q: I use Gmail/Googlemail, but when I send a message to a list that I am subscribed to, but I never get a copy back.

A: There is a problem with gmail/googlemail - when you send a message to a mailing list, any mailing list, gmail doesn't show you your own message as it comes back from the list. Everybody else sees it, even other gmail users, but not you. And replies to your message will be threaded with your post as you sent it, not as it came back (ie without list headers, subject tags or footers). This is a "feature" of gmail, and there is nothing you or the list administrator can do about it.

For Google's explanation of this, see <>.

If your list has archives that you can check, you can at least see whether or not your message got posted to the list. You can also set your Mailman option "Receive acknowledgement mail when you send mail to the list?" to Yes. Beyond that, unfortunately there is nothing else we can do to help you.

If you routinely post from a gmail account, it would probably be good to visit your user options page for the list in question and set "Receive your own posts to the list?" to No, since you won't see them anyway, and set "Receive acknowledgement mail when you send mail to the list?" to Yes so you will receive confirmation of your post.

Last changed on Fri Mar 14 03:57:48 2008 by Mark Sapiro Converted from the Mailman FAQ Wizard

This is one of many Frequently Asked Questions.