#pragma page-filename DOC/versions/4030646 == 6.17. Apache+Suexec == When your Apache is configured with suexec enabled, you have to choose either the correct location when installing Mailman (under suexec_docroot) or recompile Apache to suit your installation needs. I chose a compromise: 1. Recompile Apache with --suexec-docroot=/home 2. Install Mailman under /home/mailman When configuring Mailman, choose --with-cgi-gid=mailman (not the usual group 'www' for virtual hosts) After installation of Mailman, some permissions have to be altered: {{{ - $prefix/cgi-bin* should be owned by mailman:mailman - $prefix/cgi-bin shouldn't have group-write-access (suexec doesn't like that) - disable cgi-scripts' setgid-bit (suexec doesn't like that) }}} {{{ # chown mailman:mailman $prefix/cgi-bin* # chmod g-w $prefix/cgi-bin # chmod g-s $prefix/cgi-bin/* }}} Ok, then you can add specific virtual hosts for list administration: {{{ ServerName list.somehost.de ServerAlias list.somehost.de ... SuexecUserGroup mailman mailman <-- this one is important # # Mailman Section # ScriptAlias /mailman/ /home/mailman/cgi-bin/ Alias /pipermail/ /home/mailman/archives/public/ AddDefaultCharset off }}} It worked fine for me, and I hope it will for others Note: the above describes a way to make Mailman work withe suEXEC with a single domain. Due to fundamental differences between [[http://wiki.list.org/x/tYA9|Mailman's security model]] and that of [[http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/suexec.html|suEXEC]] it is very difficult and kludgy to make it it work with multiple Mailman domains. This is one of many [[../Frequently Asked Questions|Frequently Asked Questions]].