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Clear message

Stable URLs

There are many reasons to want a message to be addressed by a stable URL, i.e. one that does not change if the message is edited (for the most part), moved to a different archive, or referred to by different access methods. Further, this stable URL should be calculable with just minimal information, and with access to a non-list copy of the message. Some use cases for a message's stable URL include:

  • Archives URLs that survive regeneration, even if messages are deleted from the archive or edited by a list administrator.
  • The ability to pre-calculate the stable URL for inclusion in a message footer, without having to talk to the archiver (which may be a remote system).
  • The ability for programmatic access to a message in a message store when all you have is the off-list copy of the message.
  • The ability of a 3rd party archiver to implement a "mail me this message" function.

Stephen Turnbull starts the conversation off with this thread from the mailman-developers mailing list. I suggest you read the entire thread, but below is my counter proposal, which the Mailman 3 code base currently implements.


RFC 2822 describes the Message-ID header. Everyone assumes that Message-ID is globally unique, so why can't it just be used as the stable URL?

There are several problems in practice with relying only on Message-ID. First, RFC 2822 does not require the header, although messages SHOULD include them. In a real-world analysis of several mailing lists, some small number of messages (approximately 0.2%) simply had no Message-ID header. Second, while the recommendation is that these be globally unique, in practice there is a small percentage of collisions (somewhere in the < 1% range) for messages that are otherwise different. These collisions could be because spam sending agents don't care about RFCs, or because some MTAs are broken on resends. Of course, because Message-IDs are generated by untrusted systems, we can't, er, trust them (completely).

Aside from those problems, the Message-ID is not very user friendly. I'd rather not require a human to type in all the funky dots, at-signs, and angle brackets.

It's tempting to say that we should just ignore any message that has a broken or colliding Message-ID but I think we should instead be liberal in what we accept, and recognize that even legitimate messages may have missing or colliding Message-IDs, so we should be prepared to handle that case.


Here then is an informal specification for stable URL generation, such that could be used in a web service to provide messages on demand, or included in message footers without requiring communication with the archive.


Two new headers are proposed, currently called X-List-ID-Hash and X-List-Sequence-Number. These are named in honor of RFC 2369 but named with a leading X- until this proposal becomes an internet standard. These headers have the following definition:

  • X-List-ID-Hash is calculated from the Base 32 encoded SHA 1 hash of the Message-ID and Date headers of the original message. If the incoming message is missing its Message-ID or Date header, the mailing list manager SHOULD add its own version of the header, with the understanding that the non-list copy of the message will not contain this header. If the incoming message has more than one such header, the mailing list manager MUST use the first header found and MAY delete subsequent such headers.

  • X-List-Sequence-Number is a unique integer assigned by the mailing list software to distinguish between messages which otherwise collide in their X-List-ID-Hash value. The mailing list manager MAY assign this sequential ID globally across all message, or it MAY keep a separate counter each colliding hash values. The only requirement is that within a hash value in a particular message store (see below), the sequence number is unique. A message need not be addressable by its sequence number alone.

Stable URL calculation

The combination of the X-List-ID-Hash and the X-List-Sequence-Number provides a unique address for the message, relative to the message store's base URL. To determine the stable, globally unique address, you must also consult RFC 2369's List-Archive header. Thus, for a message with the following headers:

Subject: An important message
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2007 16:49:58 +0900
Message-ID: <>
X-List-Sequence-Number: 801

the stable URL to the message would be:

Off-list copy

What if you receive an off-list copy of the message? How could you locate this message in the archive? Let's assume you know that the archive is kept at, and let's assume that the off-list copy was well-formed, with one Message-ID header and one Date header. You could calculate the X-List-ID-Hash easily, for example with the following bit of Python:

>>> import hashlib
>>> shaobj = hashlib.sha1(msg['message-id'])
>>> shaobj.update(msg['date])
>>> hash32 = base64.b32encode(shaobj.digest())

Because the off-list copy won't have the X-List-Sequence-Number, the best you can now do is visit this url in your web browser or REST client:

One of two things will be returned (assuming the message hasn't been deleted from the archive):

  • The mailing list manager has received only one message containing the same Message-ID and Date combination. IOW, there is no collision, and the URL returns the message.

  • The mailing list manager has received multiple messages with a colliding hash. In that case, the URL above will return a list of all matching messages. The user (or program) could then present (or visit) each link to find the original message. The links would of course include the sequence number tail path component.

What this means is that when there's been only a single message received with a particular Message-ID and Date combination, there are two addresses which point to the same resource, e.g.

but when multiple matching messages have been received, only the latter address points directly to the message; the former returns a list of all the matching messages (or more correctly, a list of links to all the matching messages).

Why Base 32?

Base 32 was chosen because of its limited alphabet and because it consists of only ASCII numbers and letters, so it should be easy (if slightly verbose) for humans to read it or pronounce it. For example, the numbers 0 and 1 are omitted from the alphabet to reduce confusion between them and the letters O and I in some fonts. Also, base 32 contains upper case letters only, however an archive MAY treat urls as case insensitive (accepting any combination of upper and lower case letters). An archive MAY also accept 0 for O and 1 for I in the X-List-ID-Hash part only.

Base 64 was rejected because, while providing minimal space savings, the expanded alphabet and case sensitivity was deemed to be less adaptable to human mistake (i.e. "be liberal in what you accept").


^ is the Python program I've been using to gather statistics from sample mbox files.


Barry Warsaw

An alternative for the Mail Archive is described here:

Brad Knowles

If you're going to generate a hash, it should be generated across all the required RFC-2822 headers (in addition to the others being discussed), including From:, To:, Subject:, and Date:.   This would help to guarantee the uniqueness of the hash, even if the message-id were to collide.

Second, although you want to use a hashing algorithm that is considered reasonably secure today (e.g., SHA-256), you also want to explicitly include up-front an extension/alternative mechanism, so that in the future when SHA-256 gets thrown onto the same scrapheap as MD5 and SHA-1, you can easily do so.