Revision 8 as of 2011-04-14 18:44:49

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'''Proposal (Under Construction)'''


The main idea of this project is to convert the current wiki from Confluence (non-free) to MoinMoin, which is free and on Python'.

For that, it will be exported to XML (using the Confluence tool Export to XML_) and parsed in Python._

Later it will be imported to Moin using or basing on the available code at_ src/MoinMoin/converter/_._


- Get to know Confluence and MoinMoin.

- Download and understand the XML tree from the complete dump of the Confluence exported data.

- Identify each one of the artifacts that compose Confluence wiki (e.g. pages, comments, etc).

- Create functions to parse the XML for each of the artifacts previously identified._

- Create functions to add the parsed data into Moin.

- Check if the new Moin wiki was properly created.

'''Start of Program (May 24)'''

The first thing to do at the beginning of this program is to get into Confluence and MoinMoin, specially into the tools available at _[src/MoinMoin/converter/|]_

 and apis that could be helpful on the project like the Python's xml.dom api_._

While that, I will discuss and define the final goals of this project with its mentor and get to know everybody else who will be involved on it.

Also in this first part, I will implement some code of XML parsing in Python to reassure I can accomplish the task and map all the artifacts of the XML tree that compose the Confluence wiki.

'''Midterm Evaluation (July 12)'''

After all the work of studying, planning and elicitation, it will begin the coding part.

I will implement one function to each artifact of the XML dump file of the exported Confluence wiki.

I will implement (obviously checking all the related code _{_}available before) functions to add the parsed data into Moin._

'''Final Evaluation (Aug 16)'''

This final stage will be basically fixing bugs, testing, documenting and checking if the new Moin wiki was properly created.

'''About Me'''

I study Computer Science at Federal University of Goias_. It's my first time on GSoC, but I've worked for 2 years on the development of a distance learning system_ called<<Color2: execution failed [No argument named "[["] (see also the log)>>&nbsp;

for the Brazilian Ministry of Education&nbsp;_{_}and already worked on three opensource projects hosted on_ ''[[|Google Code]]_'', one being on Python. I'm not working&nbsp;now, only studying, so I will be involved almost full time with this program and I put myself available for any need after the end of GSoC._

h3. '''Contact Info'''

'''Name:&nbsp;'''Taciano Messias Moraes_




*Phone:*''&nbsp;+55 62 84286966 /&nbsp;+55 62 32518224''

'''Postal Address:&nbsp;'''Rua C-217 Qd. 522 Lt. 03 - Jardim America_

'''City, State, Zip, Country:&nbsp;'''